

420 Uppsatser om Roman army - Sida 1 av 28

Disciplinbrott och bestraffningar i den romerska armén

The purpose of this essay is to study the crimes and punishments in the Roman army, how ancient authors describe this phenomenon and the differences between the authors descriptions. The results of the essay are that the authors mostly describe crimes such as mutiny and desertion. Ruffus is the only one who mentions and describes other types of crimes than mutiny and desertion, such as theft, rape and disobedience. The reason why there is a difference between Ruffus and the other authors are that Ruffus wrote a collection of laws in the Roman army but the other authors wrote biographies and histories and therefore they only mentioned the most dramatic thing that happened, such as a mutiny in the army for example..

Fanns det en elit på Gotland? : en studie om romersk järnålder på Gotland med fokus på romerska föremål

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine whether there was an elite on Gotland during Roman Iron Age or not. To explain this focus has been put on the roman goods. The contexts in which the roman artifacts are found indicate that they can be tied to what might have been an elite on Gotland during Roman Iron Age. They might also have been used as means of expressing wealth and prestige.

At Ähra, Dygd och Mandom må inrotas vthi Krijgzfolckets modh och Sinne : Utvecklingen av Svea Rikes krigslagstiftning under 1600-talet: En komparativ studie av 1621 och 1683 års krigsartiklar

This essay presents a comparative study of the Swedish articles of war of year 1621 and 1683 which aims to, through analysis, assess the extent of the development in Swedish army legislature during the 17th century and to derive the likely underlying causes for this development. The study is in large comprised by a detailed comparison of the two collections of articles of war in order to determine the practical changes to the legislature that occurred between the years that they came into force..

"Kvinnan tige i församlingen" : En kvalitativ analys av statens offentliga utredning kring kvinnans behörighet till kyrkliga ämbeten och tjänster, SOU 1950:48.

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine whether there was an elite on Gotland during Roman Iron Age or not. To explain this focus has been put on the roman goods. The contexts in which the roman artifacts are found indicate that they can be tied to what might have been an elite on Gotland during Roman Iron Age. They might also have been used as means of expressing wealth and prestige.

Lukas och Rom - En studie av evangelieförfattarens framställning av imperiet och dess folk

The purpose of this study was to see how Luke depicted the Roman Empire and in particularits people through his gospel. Around the time of the gospels? composition, 70-80 A.D., tensions were high between the Jewish people and their Roman occupants. However, it was during this period of high tension that a small group of Jews distinguished themselves not only by claiming that the promised savior, the Messiah, had arrived but also by including non-Jewish members into their ranks. The stated question is how this group of Christians reasoned both among themselves but also with their surroundings.

Integration, separation och allt där emellan - En studie om romska barns skolsituation

Our purpose was to investigate the schools and the social welfare´s experiences of Roman children´s school situation in a Scanian town. We have done a qualitative investigation, interviewing 14 persons from both school and social welfare. Through the interviews we wanted to find the factors which influences the Roman pupils schooling and which efforts the professionals has to their disposition to influence these children´s school situation in a positive direction.The main result of our study is that the majority of the Romans is an isolated group, both in the Swedish school system and in the society. The Romans got access to the Swedish comprehensive school first in 1965, which implies that the Romans have a young school tradition. Most of the Roman pupils have a high absent, which is grounded in a complex of problems.

Vattnets väg genom en romersk stad. -Från vattenkastellet till mottagaren.

The purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the urban Roman water system. I have chosen to work with the system as a general field, not as a case study of a single town. In my opinion such a study would not give a proper and fair view of the subject. Therefore, this paper will discuss the different parts of the system, each one for itself and name examples wherever possible, to give a wide survey of the reality of the Roman water supply system. The aim is to give the reader a clear picture of different solutions used in the time of the early Roman Empire and a good understanding of the subject..

En Adaptationsanalys av Oscar Wildes roman 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' och David Rosenbaums film 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'

Uppsatsen studerar hur Oscar Wildes roman 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' har överförts till filmen, genom att jämföra centrala karaktärer, förhållandet mellan 'story' och 'plot' samt hur man skildrar tiden och rummet i de olika medierna. Detta för att se vilken form av adaptation som använts. Teorin baseras på Brian McFarlane, Susan Hayward och Louis Giannetti m.fl..

I skuggan av Preussen : Svenska officerares studieresor till Frankrike före första världskriget

In the decades leading up to the First World War, the Swedish army (as the rest of Swedish society) was greatly influenced by Germany (i.e. subject primarily to Prussian military influence). German equipment was purchased and German training methods and ways of organizing military units were copied. Apart from such easily discernible traces of German influence, the Swedish officer corps - according to earlier research - harboured sympathies for Germany and the German Army. But did the German influences, and the sympathies for Germany, also result in a professional bias ? i.e.

Svenskars färd mot Mörkrets hjärta : Om svenska militärer som sökte tjänst i Kongostatens kolonialarmé 1895-1906

The aim of this paper is to map and analyze what role Swede's played in King Leopold II's colony in the former Congo Free State. Letters and messages that arrived at the Congo Consulate in Sweden between 1895 and 1906 have been used as the paper's primary sources. Application letters from 32 different Swedes, seeking to join the Congo Free State Army, to the General Consul of the Congo Consulate, Hans Hugold von Schwerin, have been used as primary sources, and constitute the basis of the paper's analysis. The letters arrived at the Congo Consulate in Sweden between 1895 and 1906. The applicants were all men of different social classes, and were between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. Their chief reasons for applying were primarily for own financial gain or because they did not get a chance to serve in the Swedish army.

Romska barn och ungdomars syn på utbildning                                             : En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study is to understand how roman children and young people?s relations are to school and education from a family point of view.I have used a qualitative method and by means of that studied different information sources.  I have proceeded from two different theories: culture conception and categorizing. My first theory choice - Culture conception - represents a value of how we see the culture and the prospective of it.My second theory choice ? categorizing ? represents that we humans classify consciously or unconscious ourselves and others into categories, with the consequence that we understand the world by categorizing. Question I have proceeded from are: - Which roll does the family has for children and young persons from roman society? - Which expectations do children and young persons from roman society have from the family when it comes to education? Throughout my study I have come to the conclusion that roman culture looks differently upon boys and girls.

Var står den västliga Airpower-teorin kontra den praktiska tillämpningen idag? : en prövning av rådande US Air Force och US Army doktriner mot användningen av Airpower under Irakkriget (2003)

Uppsatsen ställer frågan om teorin d.v.s. nu gällande doktriner stämmer överens med verklighetenoch i fall de inte stämmer överens ? vad skiljer de åt? Inledningsvis görs en kort tillbakablick överhur samverkan mellan US Army och US Air Force har genomförts sedan andra världskriget. Uppsatsensfallstudie omfattar de båda försvarsgrenarnas samverkan och syn på Airpower under Irakkriget2003. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion rörande den svenska försvarsmaktens möjligheteroch förmåga när det gäller integrering av markstridskrafter och flygstridskrafter.Frågeställningar som besvaras är:? Existerar det doktrinära avvikelser mellan US Air Force och US Army vad gäller synen påAirpower och dess tillämpning?? Finns det skillnader mellan rådande doktriner och hur samverkan mellan luft- och markstridskrafterhar genomförts i en skarp operation?? Hur långt har den amerikanska försvarsmakten kommit inom luft-markintegrationen?? Finns det andra faktorer som styr uppträdandet än doktriner?? Vilka slutsatser från studien kan den svenska försvarsmakten ha nytta av i sin utvecklinginom området luft-markintegration?Slutsatsen är att det fortfarande existerar skillnader mellan US Army och US Air Force såväl ideras doktriner som i deras tillämpning under krig.

Att skydda sig mot onda ögat -fallossymbolen och andra beskyddande symboler under antiken.

As long as envy and the will of harming others for what they possess have existed, the evileye has been a present belief system in many cultures around the world. This study, based onarchaeological evidence and texts by ancient writers that reflect this ancient superstition,explores how the evil eye was being averted and practiced by ancient cultures. What measureswere taken to ward off the evil eye? How have these measures been represented in thematerial culture? What can we learn from the context of the material culture involving the evileye? Discussions and theories of protective measures that have been depicted on the walls ofthe roman city of Pompeii will hopefully give a wider comprehension of the evil eye, and its influence on Roman society..

US Army mot Bagdad : en fallstudie om hur manöverteori blev manöverkrigföring i Irak

Under operation Iraq Freedom uppvisades i media en bild av en snabb och tempofylldframryckning mot Bagdad. Denna bild kontrasterade mot den som normalt förknippas med USArmy och dess krigföring. Skulle denna bild kunna vara med verkligheten överrensstämmande?Har nya tankegångar och doktriner fått ett sådant genomslag att US Army anammatmanöverkrigföringens elementa och faktiskt nyttjar det, även på taktisk nivå? Har teori såledesblivit praktik?Syftet med denna uppsats är följaktligen att verifiera eller falsifiera en hypotes, utgående i frånatt amerikanska enheter ur US Army anammat manöverteorins nyckelbegrepp och numeraanvänder sig av manöverkrigföring på taktisk nivå och således lyckats implementera en ny teori ipraktiken. Detta har gjorts genom att genomföra en fallstudie av den tredje amerikanskainfanteridivisionen (mek) och dess agerande vid olika händelser från dess att framryckningenstartar i Kuwait den 20 mars och intill Bagdad faller den 9 april.Analysen visar att divisionens agerande under dessa studerade händelseförlopp i hög gradpräglades av manöverkrigföring och att förbandet följde gällande doktrin vilken i sin tur byggerpå hörnstenarna i manöverteorin.

?Det gäller att skriva snabbt, innan mörkret faller" : Åldrandemotivet i Bo Carpelans roman Blad ur höstens arkiv

Som motiv har åldrandet inte fått alltför mycket plats i litteraturvetenskapliga studier. Denna uppsats granskar på vilket sätt åldrandet skildras i Bo Carpelans postuma roman Blad ur höstens arkiv (2011)..

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